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Facts & Figures

Sunshine Hours per Year

Global demand for energy is steadily rising and requires new sources of energy production. Thanks to the continuous improvement of technologies, renewable energies become a progressively reliable alternative. However, most renewable energy sources depend on geographic conditions.

In this context, Tunisia can benefit from an impressive number of sunshine hours per year, much more than Germany.

3000.00 Sunshine Hours per Year
1595.00 Sunshine Hours per Year

Sources: GIZ; Statista

CO2 Emissions

The emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) is one of the main causes for global warming and therefore affects us all. A successful energy transition consists not only in extending our sources of renewable energy, but rethinking our way each one of us handles his or her energy consumption.

2590.00 kg/capita
8890.00 kg/capita

CO2 Emission Reduction Target 2030

A sustainable energy transition consists not only in the shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy, but also demands a reduction of CO2 emissions. Germany as well as Tunisia set themselves ambitious targets for reducing their emission until 2030.

45.00 %
55.00 %

Sources: Updated NDC of Tunisia (2021); IEA (2020)