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Study trip on electric mobility in Germany

Tunisia is preparing for electric mobility!

During a study tour organized from the 22th to the 26th of April to Germany, participants from the Tunisian energy agency (ANME), the Tunisian Post, the National Electricity and Gas Company (STEG) and the National Engineering School of Tunis had the opportunity to exchange with representatives of the RWTH Aachen and public and private German actors on the theme of electric mobility.

During the visits, the participants had the opportunity to see examples of the development and fabrication of electric vehicles in Germany and even went for test drives. Visits included the RWTH University and Smartlab in Aachen, where research and its application for electric vehicles and charging infrastructure are developed. A highlight was the visit to the StreetScooter factory where electric cars for the German Post are produced. In Offenbach, representatives of the municipal utilities explained how the city is preparing for increased electric mobility and which role this technology can play for public transport. Several potential cooperation areas were identified between the Tunisian participants and the German interlocutors which are now being explored in order to determine possible applications for the Tunisian context.

The study tour was financed by the project Policy dialogue and knowledge management on low emission development strategies in the MENA region (DIAPOL), commissioned by BMU, and organized by the the Secretariat of the Tunisian-German Energy Partnership, commissioned by BMWi, in collaboration with the Ministry of Industry and SMEs and the National Agency for Energy Management (ANME)

Participants on the study trip to Germany, Offenbach