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Second training for journalists in the energy sector

The second training session for journalists in the energy sector took place from 13th to 15th March in Tunis. This time, the training focused on the journalist's role in achieving energy efficiency.

During the training, a group of journalists from different regions had the opportunity to increase their technical and political knowledge on energy efficiency. The journalists gained an overview of the energy constraints of different sectors: building, transport and industry, and the instruments put in place to deal with them. A visit to a cogeneration unit in a pharmaceutical industry and a high-performance building, allowed participants to gain valuable insight.

This training was carried out by the Secretariat of the Tunisian- German Energy Partnership, mandated by the Federal Ministry of Economy and Energy (BMWi), in cooperation with the Ministry of Industry and SMEs in collaboration with CAPJC and ANME.

Visit of a cogeneration unit in Zaghouan